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Jackson Hole global FoRUM


Nov. 8-9, 2018

Climate solutions, Coal Communities, and Economic Diversification

Lead Sponsors




Media Partner


1. Generate new recommendations towards economic diversification


2. Build new partnerships and networks



3. Set in motion climate leadership


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Speyer Family Foundation

Jay Varley

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What?  The Jackson Hole Global Forum will bring together diverse experts to discuss and compare the current challenges and potential opportunities for U.S. coal communities and similar regions around the world to generate climate solutions and new models of economic growth.


Why?  Wyoming is the nation’s largest producer of coal, the most carbon-intensive fossil fuel, which provides much of the state’s public revenue and jobs.  Efforts are already underway in earnest to expand and diversify the state’s economy.   Wyoming is a microcosm of the larger macro challenges also facing various regions around the world, including in China, Europe, and the American mid-west.  All these regions are striving to generate new sources of growth which reduce carbon emissions and strengthen their economies.  


This forum will focus on the particular challenges faced by carbon-intensive areas.  It will help provide the global context, new ideas, new partnerships, and new recommendations for communities, businesses, policymakers and concerned citizens in Wyoming and beyond. 


Where?  Jackson Hole has unique “Power of Place”  and is an ideal setting to foster action and new partnerships.  Almost thirty years ago Jackson Hole’s inspirational surroundings played a central role in the pre-summit discussions of U.S. Secretary of State James Baker and Soviet Foreign Minister Edward Shevardnadze, which helped bring an end to the Cold War.   The Federal Reserve and other major organizations have also chosen Jackson Hole as a site to incubate new ideas and develop innovative approaches.


Forum Advisors

Jens Acker, Counselor, Energy and Climate Policy, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Abdulla Alsaboosi, Consul General, United Arab Emirates in Los Angeles

Doug Cameron, Senior Managing Director, U.S.-China Green Fund

David Firestein, Executive Director, China Policy Center, University of Texas at Austin

Rob Godby, Director of Energy Economics, University of Wyoming

Karine Hertzberg, Counselor for Climate and Environment, Royal Norwegian Embassy

Richard Holwill, Former U.S. Ambassador to Ecuador

Trevor Houser, Partner, Rhodium Group

Jiang Lin, Nat Simons Chair in China Energy Policy, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Olivia Meigs, Director of Communications, Jackson Hole Center for Global Affairs

Richard Morgensten, Senior Fellow, Resources For the Future

Mark Newcomb, Teton County Commissioner

Jason Shogren, College of Business, University of Wyoming

James Speyer, President, Speyer Associates

Michael Tennican, Board Chair, St. John's Medical Center

Christine Vick, Former Senior Advisor, the Cohen Group

Robert Youngberg, President, Sustainable Development International

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