looking ahead and new models
MORNING KEYNOTE: ENDOW's 20 Year Vision for Wyoming
9:00 - 9:30 AM
Michael Von Flatern, Vice President, Wyoming State Senate; Executive Council, Economically Needed Diversity Options for Wyoming (ENDOW)
Perspectives from Coal Communities
9:30 - 10:30 AM
Wyoming and other global coal communities are focused on achieving new economic diversification and growth. What is working, what hasn’t, and what are those stories?
Moderator - Jason Walsh, Former Domestic Policy Council, the White House
Zhiyu Tian, Associate Professor, Energy Research Institute, National Development Reform Commission, People's Republic of China
Prof. Jürgen Kretschmann, Chairman, Society of Mining Professors
Lars Hallstrom, McCalla Professor, University of Alberta
Michael Von Flatern, Vice President, Wyoming State Senate, ENDOW Executive Council Member
Coffee Break
10:30 - 10:45 AM
Investing in Climate
10:45 - 11:45 PM
Investors increasingly see acting on climate change as a being more than just a moral imperative, but also as a great business opportunity, What and where are those opportunities?
Moderator - Val Smith, Managing Director and Global Head, Corporate Sustainability, Citigroup
Doug Cameron, Senior Managing Director, U.S.-China Green Fund
Joel Moxley, Founder, Moxley Holdings
Mark Northam, Director, School of Energy Resources, University of Wyoming
Fred Beach, Assistant Director for Energy and Technology, The Energy Institute, University of Texas-Austin
Lunch Speaker - Jackson Hole’s Efforts to Manage Emissions at a Local Level
11:45 - 12:45 PM
Phil Cameron, Executive Director, Energy Conservation Works
Wind and Economic Diversification
12:45 - 1:45 PM
Just as Wyoming is the U.S.’s largest producer of coal, it also has the best quality wind. If the resource is developed how will it benefit the communities that have the wind farms in their sightline? How can wind be an economic growth catalyst that brings new jobs, new revenue, and new industries?
Moderator - Loyd Drain, Former Executive Director, Wyoming Infrastructure Authority
Kenneth G. Lay, Senior Managing Director, Rock Creek Group
Chris Rothfuss, Minority Floor Leader, Wyoming State Senate
Kate Ringness, Director, American Jobs Project
Coffee Break
1:45 - 2:00 PM
Blockchain as an Economic Growth Driver?
2:00 - 3:00 PM
During the 2018 Wyoming State Legislature Session, five bills were made law promoting the advancement of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology - effectively making Wyoming one of the nation’s most attractive destinations for blockchain technologies. Can blockchain and tech play a meaningful role in bringing new jobs and economic growth to Wyoming and beyond?
Moderator - Matt Higginson, Partner, Mckinsey and Company
Stina Brock, Senior Vice President, Electron
Jared Olsen, Wyoming Representative, House District 11
David Halligan, Founder, Data Watt Energy