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Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics


The famous Jackson Hole arches - the take from Jackson Hole, China

Getting ready to ski at the Shijinglong Ski Resort, Yanqing.

The group taking in the sites in the build up to the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics

The chairlift ride up to the top of Shijinglong Ski Resort

The group gets ready to hit the mountain

Getting to know Yanqing District's Deputy Mayor, Wu Shijiang

Enjoying the exceptional hospitality of the Yanqing Foreign Affairs Office.

Lunch meetings to discuss Winter Olympics planning with the Deputy Secretary, Yanqing

Enjoying the Yanqing Ice Festival spectacle - celebrated each year as part of the Chinese Lantern Festival

Touring Yanqing's Wild Duck Lake Natural Reserve.

Olympic planning on display at the Yanqing Planning and Exhibit Hall

The Yanqing Planning and Exhibit Hall's Winter Olympic displays

Exchanging gifts and plans for collaboration with Yanqing District Secretary Li Zhijun

Touring Jackson Hole, China

Downtown Jackson Hole, China

Two Mayors, Two Jackson Holes

In parallel to the Jackson Hole Winter Olympics visit, the National Museum of Wildlife Art participated in plans to helpin the exhibit and the future development of a wildlife-art focused museum in China.

With the conclusion of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, attention now turns to Beijing, location of the 2022 Winter Olympics.  Yanqing, a mountainous area outside of Beijing, will host the alpine skiing events and in the Fall of 2017, representatives from the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries approached Jackson Hole through the Jackson Hole Center for Global Affairs to explore partnership opportunities in the build-up to Beijing 2022.   China has never hosted a Winter Olympics before and the ski industry is in its infancy and there is strong interest in Jackson Hole ski expertise and building a ski culture in China.


In response, JHCGA organized a Jackson Hole fact-finding delegation. Led by Pete Muldoon, Jackson mayor, the delegation was in Yanqing and Beijing from February 27 – March 2nd. 


During the weeklong trip, the delegation discussed opportunities around the Beijing Olympics and agreed to continue a cooperative dialogue, particularly related to winter sports exchanges and sustainability.  As an initial step, JHCGA and partners will:


  • Explore the potential to send ski instructors, ski facilities operators, and young people to Yanqing, and creating ski training opportunities for Yanqing’s young skiers in Jackson Hole.

  • Work with partners such as NREL to explore developing an energy efficient - carbon free, “demonstration village”. 


Other opportunities identified included the need for a broader U.S.-China dialogue about best practices in conservation, specifically related to visiting and developing National Parks, and sustainable destination management planning , a space where JHCGA has developed local planning alongside the Riverwind Foundation.

随着平昌冬奥会的结束,人们现在的注意力转向了2022年冬季奥运会的举办地北京。 2017年秋天,中国人民对外友好协会的代表通过杰克逊霍尔全球事务中心(Jackson Hole Center For Global Affairs)来到杰克逊霍尔(Jackson Hole),探讨在北京2022年的建设中建立伙伴关系的机会。 中国从未举办过冬季奥运会,滑雪业正处于起步阶段,人们对杰克逊霍尔滑雪专业知识和在中国建立滑雪文化有着浓厚的兴趣。

作为回应,JHCGA组织了杰克逊霍尔实况调查代表团。 该代表团由杰克逊市长皮特*穆尔登(Pete Muldoon)率领,于2月27日至3月2日在延庆和北京。

在为期一周的访问中,代表团讨论了北京奥运会的机会,并同意继续合作对话,特别是与冬季运动交流和可持续性有关的对话。 作为第一步,JHCGA和合作伙伴将:




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